Monday, September 21, 2009


So I just read Moser's post and that is sad and all. However, in the immortal words of Nelson from the Simpsons, ha ha! Anywho, I have been staying on top of training. I didn't go on the group run Saturday morning even though I woke up to do so. If you knew how comfortable my bed was you would totally understand. However, I decided to run yesterday. So by the time I wasted my day away and decided to go running it was 4 pm and I was ready to hit the streets.

4:02 pm starts raining. Therefore, I did my 6 miles at the gym on the treadmill. I also did 150 sit ups, 60 assisted pull ups, and 15 push ups. You totally should get tickets to my gun show. I am also going to run tonight and keep up with my program of running and spinning throughout the week. It is perfect running weather in Chicago (mid 70's) and hopefully it stays that way. I need to hold onto the nice weather and wonderfulness of Chicago for another two weeks until it gets cold and the spite sets in.

I have decided to end every post with a segment that I derived from Peter Griffin, ala Family Guy and a little thing I like to call "You know what really grinds my gears."

You know what really grinds my gears, people who go to the treadmill right next to yours when the gym is almost empty and make sure to grunt and wheeze, and then look over at you just to make sure you know exactly how hard they are working out.

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