Friday, March 6, 2009

Sad realization

So, last night I went to the gym, and Chicago had a significant warm up yesterday. It was like 60. You might be thinking why didnt I run outside...well by the time I got off work it was dark, and I get lost manuvering around my house let alone running in the dark. Plus I am a scaredy cat, and it was windy. Anyways, now that I have conjured up excuses. So, needless to say, hot outside, hot in the gym. So, after I changed I started to walk to the treadmills, and I felt this sense of doom come over me. It was then I realized...gosh, I hate running.

Now I know what some of you will say. Oh you hate it cause you are on the treadmill and cant enjoy the scenery, or its boring. But, the thing is, I have run outside before, and I am not one of those people who can clear their minds when they run. Basically, here is what goes through my head when I run..."I am tired...this is taking forever...ooh this is a good I am over this song." And so on and so forth. So doing it for like an hour is draining enough let alone when training intensifies and I am running for hours at a time.

So, I ran 5 miles yesterday on the treadmill, even though I was basically over it before I even started. I have a personal training session Monday, so hopefully that will get me reinvigorated. The weird thing is, I love food, and I love not looking like Kirstie Alley, so how come I cant love running.

Oh, and just to round out this blog, Moser smells and sucks at running.


  1. Beth,
    Stick with it...crossing the finish line is THE coolest feeling!!
    Also do you really want to listen to my brother if you cut back on training? That should be enough to keep you motivated ;)

  2. I started out as a 30 minute runner. No more. Ever. Same feeling of counting away the minutes and not ever "losing" myself in the run. And now? One Chicago marathon under my belt, and another one planned for this year. It will come - the more you work out and the easier running gets, the more your brain will think of other stuff as your feet take over. Wow, that sounded cheesy - but it is true. :)

  3. I'm with Lorin...Beth you have to finish even if it's just to shut him up. =)
