Saturday, February 28, 2009

I'm gonna feel that tomorrow.

I took yesterday off to rest up before trying to match Beth's speed. After getting about 4 hours of sleep, and spending 3 hours walking around Chelsea Market and the meatpacking district with Beth, eating samples of like 9 different foods, I figured it would be the perfect time to run 4 miles faster than I ever have before, because, hey, what better time to run than when you're tired and full?

Side note: if you've never been to Chelsea Market, on the west side of 9th Ave between 15th and 16th, go check it out some time. Some guy bought the building 10 years ago when the area was a dump and gave really cheap 20 year leases to a bunch of independent retailer/wholesalers, and now they all have really good food for really good prices, and I believe most, if not all of them, are open 24/7. Unfortunately, the landlord sold it to a group more interested in profit, so it's not going to last forever.

Anyway, after the tour, we got to the gym, got ready, did our warmups, and kicked it up to 6.1 mph for the first 2 miles, then 6.3 for a mile, then 6.5 until we sprinted from 7 to 8 mph in the last quarter mile, hitting 4 miles a little north of 38 minutes. I actually thought I might have to stop in the first quarter mile, because I had gotten that shooting pain in the back of my ankle that I've mentioned a couple times, on the right side. I should probably find out what that is, but after a 5 or 10 seconds, it passed and I had no trouble. After that we did some crunches and assisted pull-ups, and then headed out.

So, the important thing to take out of all this is that I matched Beth's speed over 4 miles, and it only took a month.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ludicrous speed!

Beth's going to be in New York City this weekend (her boyfriend lives in Brooklyn), so on Saturday we're meeting up and doing a food tour of Chelsea Market and the meatpacking district. If you've never done a food tour and you like touristy stuff, I recommend it. You walk around for 3 hours, learn a little about the history of the area, and taste a sample of the food of about half a dozen local restaurants and food shops.

Anyway, after the tour, we're going to head over to a nearby New York Sports Club and, with my membership and a guest pass, we're going to run, and I think we're both just kind of assuming it'll be a race. And, knowing that she usually runs faster than me, I figured tonight would be a good time to try kicking it up a notch. So I did something that I don't think I've ever done (outside of the final sprint of a run). I raised my treadmill speed above 6.0 mph. That's right. For 4 miles, I went all the way up to the stunningly fast speed of.......wait for it.......

6.1 mph.

That shaved about 9 or 10 seconds off each mile, and with the sprint at the end, I finished in just over 39 minutes.

So, in the past 2 days, I've biked over 10 miles, ran 4, and spent about half an hour doing miscellaneous exercises. Meanwhile, in the same amount of time, Beth has done....hang on, let's add it all up carefully....carry the 1....oh, right. Beth has done no exercise and, instead, has skipped the gym to eat and drink.

I'm not saying that for any particular reason. Just thought I'd mention it.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Congratulations Bar exam takers

Beth was yakking throughout the work day that she was going to run 5 miles tonight, whereas I canceled my spot in a spin class to get a beer with my friend that had just finished the Bar exam. The beer was as much for me as it was for her - she caused me more stress by studying for her test than I had studying for it myself last July. Since I was pretty set on trying the spin class at the new gym, when I canceled, I was even thinking about skipping the gym entirely. When I mentioned that to Beth, of course, she pointed out that relentless Jews for Jogging mockery would ensue.

But, after the beer, I caught the 7:01 express back to Long Island and headed over to the gym to at least do a bike ride. I set it for half an hour of random hills, but unfortunately had to cut it about 3 minutes short because of a shooting pain in the back of my right ankle (which usually happens in my left ankle, about once or twice a month, in the first quarter mile of a jog, but has now happened in my right leg towards the end of the past two times I've ridden an exercise bike). After that I did a few random exercises - crunches, push ups, something you lean on so you're kind of doing an upside-down sit up (it works your lower back), and a pull-down bar.

Meanwhile, as for Beth's 5 mile run? Here's what she texted me when I asked how far she jogged: "Instead of going to the gym I am going downtown to eat and drink with my bro." I don't think I even need to go through the effort of mocking her. That just speaks for itself. Pretty sure I take the gold medal for today.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

So, I went to the gym today and I decided to do a step class. Firstly, I walked in and the instructor was fatter than I was. This is not a good sign. Now for those of you who know me, know I am pretty uncoordinated. The instructor starts off by asking if anyone is brand new, and I raise my hand along with like 3 other people. The instructor starts going off about how this is an intermediate class and we shouldnt use risers on the step, so I took mine off. She pointed out we would get lost cause we dont know the names of the things. She was right.

I spent the entire class being lost and occasionally I would just stop and look at the other people. The girl in front of me was way too into it, and she was flailing her arms and just altogether way too bouncy, it was funny to watch. However, what wasnt so funny were her tight pants. She was wearing tight black pants with ass cleavage. And what made it even grosser was the fact her ass was noticably sweating through the pants, it basically made me nauseous. Looks like no more step for me for a while.

Those were good wings.

First of all, let me just say this: I am protecting the world from a potential chicken overpopulation disaster, one wing at a time. Beth may have saved one life, but I'm saving everyone. You're all welcome.

Now, on to the 4.5 mile workout. I must say, having something to run for, like, say, an attractive blonde exercising on the machines right in front of you, can really be a great motivator. But there were times I had my doubts that I would go that far. For example, you know that stitch that shows up to the right of your stomach, and you look down at it, and you could swear it says to you, "Hey, there. I'm Steve, and I'm here to mess up your run for the next twenty minutes or so"? Yeah, that happened about a mile in. But it never got too bad, and once I pushed past 5k, it was pretty much a done deal.

So, admittedly, I did it on an incline of 0, and I know Beth bumped it up to, I believe, 1% on her run last night, and I'm sure that, at 6.0 mph with a sprint at the end, I did it slower than her. Still, she has to be a little nervous that I kicked off 2009 with a handful of runs where I couldn't even break through about 1.5 miles, and less than a month later, I'm almost up to where she is. Between that and keeping humanity safe from the devastation that would accompany a chicken rampage, I'm pretty sure that bumps me up to "slightly better person than Beth."

Last I heard, they're already up to 700 chickens per person in Slower Lower Delaware. I'm just saying, we have to be careful.

the retards who work out at my gym

So, today I went to the gym. Moser suggested I increase the incline and see how it feels, and I hate to say it, but he was right it was harder. But, I still did 4.5 miles at a 1% incline. Oh, also I gave blood today after my work out. It was my first time and I am scared of needles but I figured it is a good thing to do. So, I dont know how many of you read Moser's blog entry, but while he was feeding his face with wings, I was saving a life. I dont know if that makes me a "better" person than him, because thats a very subjective term. But objectively, looking at the facts I saved a life today and exercised, and Moser...ate wings. You decide...

Anyways, onwards and upwards. So, I was at the gym today and there was a treadmill with no power going to it. The screen was blank. So, I approached it and saw the screen was blank, and walked away. I was on a treadmill behind it. In the hour I was running I saw at least a dozen people approach it, clearly see there was nothing on he screen, and then proceed to get on it and start pushing buttons. Now, I am sure a bunch of you have used the elypitcal and realize that sometimes to start that you need to be moving to start the power. Now, if any of you have used a treadmill, you know that you need power to make it go. It shocked me that at least 12 people got on this thing and proceeded to push the buttons, idiots. This is the future of America.

Monday, February 23, 2009

A day off

I took today off from working out, because I needed to make sure I had plenty of room for 25 cent wings. I think it's important to use rest days to gorge yourself on as much food as humanly possible.

But, I never wrote what I did yesterday, and since a large point of this blog was to track my workouts, I figured I should put that in. I got home from Florida pretty early and after picking up the dog at the vet, I headed over to the gym. After doing the 4 miles outside on Saturday, I felt really good about running, and wanted to do it again, but since I don't like doing the same workout two days in a row, I shortened the distance and added inclines. I ended up doing about 2.5 miles on the Alpine Pass program, which ranged between 1 and 5% incline. Solid workout, but I didn't feel like I had done quite enough, so I did some crunches/pushups/pulldowns/etc. for a little bit before leaving.

Tomorrow I hit the treadmill for at least 4 miles, and I'm aiming for 4.5. And hey, who knows, maybe Beth actually worked out today and will come up with a post of her own...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

One more post from the South

First off, I have to make a correction. Clearly, I made a typo a few days ago when I called Beth the witty half of Jews for Jogging. What I obviously meant to call her was the cruel, pure evil half of Jews for Jogging. My mistake. It's OK though, because in less than a year, I'll be in as good shape as she is, and with my longer legs and stronger muscles, I'll easily smoke her on race day. No big deal.

Anyway, I'm heading back to New York tomorrow at the ass crack of dawn (I have to leave for the airport at 5:30 AM), so today I had to check in for my flight, which involved working around the fact that Century Village is not exactly up to the year 2009 when it comes to easy internet access. My sister managed to find a WiFi hotspot in the community (with security rivaling the Pentagon), and while I was online, I figured I'd update the world on what I've been doing for exercise the past couple of days, since when I go on vacation, I still work out (unlike a certain other Jew for Jogging who went to Vegas without running shoes and who shall remain nameless).

Yesterday I found the gym here, which is surprisingly well-stocked with pretty new equipment. I hopped on a bike and did a hill intervals ride for half an hour, which was unquestionably tougher than the bike workouts I was doing at New York Sports Club. Looks like I'm going to have to bump up to a level 11 or 12 next time I do a bike ride there.

Today, I laced up my running shoes and headed out for what I planned to be a minimum of a 5K, with a goal of hopefully getting to 3.5 miles. As it turned out, though, when I got to 3.5, I was feeling pretty good, and I was about 3/4 mile away from my grandmother's, where I had to get back to anyway, so I ended up running a full 4 miles. That's 4 miles, in the hot sun, on the unforgiving pavement, braving the elements, unlike a certain other Jew for Jogging who takes it easy on her nice comfortable treadmill and who, again, shall remain nameless.

If the flight out here was any indication, I'm going to be painfully sore when I land at LaGuardia tomorrow. Apparently, Spirit Airlines doesn't believe in the concepts of "leg room" or "turning off the Fasten Seat Belt sign," so I'm looking forward to a solid three hours of sitting in a ridiculously cramped seat with nowhere to go. Good times!

Friday, February 20, 2009

pain everywhere

So, I have been pretty lazy about this blog, I might be the witty half of it, but I also might be the lazy half. Luckily, I just got to work and don't want to do any actual work, so here I find myself. Anyways, I would take the time to comment on Moser's libel in detail, but here's the thing, if you know both of us, I think you know which one of us is more athletic, and generally a better person. If you are reading this, and you are only Moser's friend...well why on earth are you hanging with him. Find yourself a better friend.

Anyways, so Wednesday night I went to the gym and did my same 4.5 mile set. However, last night I decided to switch it up and try open recreational volleyball at the park distric by my house. I am pretty sure no one here remembers our sweet volleyball team from a couple summers ago, aptly and hilariously named (by myself I might add) "involuntarily celibate." So, on that team, we basically sucked ass, a bunch of uncoordinated law students trying to pass as athletes, some of us were good, but for the most part, we were a mess. Anyways, that was also recreational, so I figured this would be something similar. Yeah not so much...

I get into the gym and it is filled with all men in their 20-40's. They are doing spiking drills and setting drills, and it looked like a volleyball camp. So I find these two guys to play with, and we hit around innocently enough. Then it comes to the "hitting drills." This basically means spiking the crap out of the ball. Now, I am 5'4" my body is not meant for spiking. I watch these drills then its time for the game. Finally, another chick shows up but she is in like full vball regalia. It was right about then I could tell I was screwed. A few women showed up later, and they also looked like behemoths. They might be good at volleyball, but I think I was the hottest...well maybe not, but you all weren't there, so yeah...I was the hottest.

Anyways, the game commenced and every play they had to set up a spike. I cant spike so they basically ignored me on the court and ran in front of me. That was until the ball would be 10 feet away from me and then they stared at me, so I would do Superman leaps to try and get these balls...we are playing in a gym. Needless to say I am in a lot of pain and have a lot of bruises. I am going to try to go running tonight, but my whole body feels like a lead weight. I will just stick to what my lil Jewish uncoordinated body allows and run in straight lines.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Greetings from sunny Florida!

Yes, I'm down here at Century Village in Deerfield Beach, about halfway between West Palm and Ft. Lauderdale, blogging away amongst the demographic you'd expect to find in a gated community called Century Village. The mercury got up to about 75 today, so I went for a nice jog outside.

Now, I know Beth has been talking some smack about distance. Seems she does 4.5 miles, while I only get up to 5K. Here's what she doesn't tell you, though: anyone with a decent pair of running shoes and a dream can run 4.5 miles on a treadmill. That's child's play. You could go do it right now, if you were really motivated.

On the other hand, braving the elements and pounding your feet on cold, unforgiving concrete for that takes skill and endurance. Not just anyone can do that. But, that's what I did today, in 31:04 (almost exactly 10 min/mile). And on top of that, I did that on the knee I messed up the other day, which I have self-diagnosed as being shattered into six to seven dozen fragments (without the use of any medical tests or, for that matter, medical knowledge). And, you'll all be amazed to know, my shattered kneecap has actually healed itself almost entirely in the span of about 48 hours, which, I'm pretty sure, makes me some sort of medical marvel.

So, Beth, once you've actually managed to go a respectable distance on pavement, then you can start mocking me again. Until then, enjoy your cute little cushioned run with a TV and air conditioning.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

5k..oh that's cute

So, for those of my loyal fans who miss the "witty half" of the blog, I am back. For the ones of you who read this thing, I was in Vegas. Sure, running was probably fun for Moser, but you know what else is fun...going on vacation to Vegas. Anyways, although I havent worked out in a week I did 4.5 miles today in 43:20. Yes, Moser your 5k was cute and fun, but its nice to know that even after taking a week off, I am still the strong half of Jews for Jogging.

Anyways, on a side note. I was at the gym today and I saw this young looking girl wearing an Illinois State University shirt, which for those of you who dont know is my alma matter. When we were leaving the locker room I asked her if she went to ISU, and she looked at me like I was crazy. Her friend then piped up and said she was thinking about going to ISU. The girl who was wearing the ISU shirt then turned to her friend and said "why did she ask me that?" To which her friend pointed out she was wearing an ISU t-shirt. This should give you an idea into how intelligent they were.

I then proceeded to tell them I went to Illinois State for undergrad. They asked me if I go there now (apparently listening was not their strong suit), and I explained I graduated 4 years ago and I am 25. At this point, the one girls face got a disgusted look, as if to say 25 is close to death. She then told me I look like a teenager. I dont think this teenager realized this was a compliment, but I was pretty psyched. Then I thought about it, and I really did graduate college 4 yrs ago, my how time flies.

Timeline of my day

5:15:00 AM: Alarm goes off. Snooze.
5:30:00 AM: Alarm goes off. Snooze again.
5:45:00 AM: Alarm goes off. First thought: "Damn. It's early." Get out of bed, shower, get ready, walk the dog, accidentally leave her water bowl on the counter all day instead of emptying it and refilling it with fresh water for her like I intended, walk to the train station way too early, just barely miss the train before my regular ride, stand outside in the cold for 15 minutes, go to work.
8:00:00 AM: Work.
3:05:00 PM: Walk into the convenience store and immediately slam knee directly into shelves.
3:05:01 PM: Hop around cursing like a fool.
3:05:03 PM: No chance of running today. This hurts.
3:05:07 PM: Man, this really hurts. Definitely no 5k like I had planned. Not going to run at all. Might not even go to the gym.
6:00:00 PM: Get home from work. Give the dog water.
6:30:00 PM: Run 5k (30:30).

Not really sure how that worked out. My knee still hurts whenever I move, except that it was completely fine while I was running, and it didn't get any worse after, so I'm not complaining. I had this one thing I get every other run or so in my left leg where it kind of feels like someone keeps adding lead weights to my ankle. There's probably a more medical way of describing it, but I don't know it.

Anyway, the moral of the story is, don't walk full speed directly into any solid objects. If you can, avoid objects entirely. It hurts.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Much thanks to Joey for the logo.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Beth, how were your workouts this weekend?

I'm sure you're all wondering where the witty half of Jews for Jogging has been the past few days while I did 30 minutes on a bike on Thursday, a 5K on the treadmill yesterday, and another 25 minutes on the bike this afternoon (at level 10 on a new machine, which, I can only assume, made the workout roughly the equivalent of riding up the steep side of Mt. Kilimanjaro).

Beth, unfortunately, has decided to let me take a massive lead in our little workout non-competition, if one can have a lead in a non-competition. It's no big deal. I've spent roughly an hour and a half exercising out over the past 4 days while she has time at all working out.

In all fairness, she hasn't been working out because she's on a weekend trip to Vegas, but I think it's important to note that, when she gets back, I will be absolutely destroying her.

Also this weekend, I made a decision on the New Jersey Triathlon that I was thinking about doing in July. I will not be doing it. Not because I don't think I'll be ready, but because it is on July 28, and I will probably be in Chicago that day, thanks to a Billy Joel/Elton John concert at Wrigley and the Illinois Bar exam.

So, if anyone knows of any other sprint distance triathlons (that's about a quarter mile in the water, about 11 or 12 miles on bike, and 5k on foot) in the NY tri-state area, preferably taking place in early to mid July or early August, please leave a comment.

A note about ads.

I added Google AdSense to the blog. 100% of the revenue that we get from that will go towards our donation goal, so feel free to click through the ads if you're interested in them.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

A note about donations.

I got a few messages from people yesterday and today, asking me about donations. I'd like to thank you very much for your interest, but we're not accepting any donations just yet. Sign-up for the Disney Marathon with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (and the start of actually building up miles to run it) is in the summertime, probably late July or early August, and that is when we can start collecting donations.

In the meantime, if you'd like to be sure that you hear when we sign up, send an e-mail to

24 days was plenty.

3 weeks and 3 days ago today I walked into New York Health & Racquet Club in Great Neck, to talk about a membership. I thought it was very overpriced, but I agreed to a 3 week trial, with my membership set to officially start on February 11, and they gave me another 3 days after that to cancel my membership, to at least see what it was like. It wasn't anything special, and the price was ridiculous, especially with a 2 year commitment, so last night, I went in and told them that I would be quitting. When I told them why, they mentioned that they had no ability to negotiate the price of the membership that includes access to all gyms, which was something I really wanted to keep, so there was no way I was sticking with that gym.

I expected it to be as quick and easy as quitting 24 HR Fitness, a nice gym that I tried before NY HRC, which I liked a lot but unfortunately only had locations in Manhattan. There, they clicked a couple buttons, had me sign a form, and I was on my way, with a refund in my bank account within a week. At NY HRC, I was told that I had to fill out a form and send it to the company headquarters via certified mail. Not only that, but the form stated that I had to send my contract in with it, which of course, I had put in a very clever spot so that I would remember it, and then promptly forgot. I was busy this morning, so I had to go out of my way to find a post office open past noon. I stopped in at the gym to ask for a copy of my contract, but they claimed I wouldn't need it for cancelling during the full refund period. I got the letter out and postmarked today. Good thing I went in last night about cancelling instead of this afternoon after the post offices were closed, or I'd be under a two year commitment right now. But still, there's no way of knowing how many monthly charges they'll get me for before they process my cancellation, and then how much longer until I'll get any of that money back.

I didn't get a workout in last night, so I went to NY Sports Club, which has locations all over the tri-state area, including one in Great Neck, about the same distance from my house as the NY HRC. By the time I walked out of there, including purchasing a new membership and doing a 5k run on the treadmill (in about half an hour), there was nothing about it I didn't like better than NY HRC. The whole place was cleaner and had newer equipment; the staff was much friendlier; I met the owner of Bruce's Restaurant (everyone from Great Neck knows what I'm talking about); and, best of all, the price was about 40% lower than NY HRC. The only down side is that instead of full access to all clubs, I only get off-peak access to clubs other than Great Neck (but the membership that gets full access was still about 25% cheaper than NY HRC and I can always upgrade to it later).

I think I've found my new gym.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Bicycling without the bicycle

I can tell you I spent 30 minutes on an exercise bike today. I can tell you I went about 9.2 miles. I can tell you I never went below 90 RPM and spent about half of it over 95, and that I started at level 10 and went up to level 12 in the last third of the ride.

But here's the thing: I have no idea what any of that means. If you run 3 miles on a treadmill, you might not be able to run quite that far outdoors, because it's harder, but you can at least make an educated guess of how far you'll get. I have absolutely no idea what "level 12" on an exercise bike translates to in the real world. Even the miles don't mean much, because you ride differently on a real bike. You change gears, you coast down hills.

So, it was a good workout, but when it gets warmer I'll have to go out on a real bicycle and see what the difference is. In the meantime, though, I think I'm good to go on the bicycle ride for the triathlon. Now I just have to see how far I can swim (last time I tried, about a year ago, it was....let's just say short), and then I'll decide if I'm going to sign up for it. But, it's looking like I will.

Beth, how about you?

Oh right. Beth didn't work out today. Point for me. You know, if we were keeping track of these things. Which....we're not. Probably.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Beth gripe #648

So, today I went to the gym and did my usual 4 miles which took about 38:30. I know I didn't run yesterday but I am pretty sure I smoked Moser today. Once again not a competition, but you know... Anyways, here's my gym gripe. Why is it that men with any kind of arm muscles run with their arms puffed out like there is no possible way they can put their gynormous muscles next to their side. Let's be real although some men are built so they cant put their arms down, this is not true for 99.9% of men. I dont care how big your muscles are, no one needs to see you running like that, put your damn arms down, and for heaven sakes get a better deoderant.

5,000,000 millimeters

I got to the gym today with the goal of running 3 miles, and as I was stretching and warming up, a story came on the TV in front of me guessed it...the Disney Marathon. I was listening to my iPod, so I couldn't hear what the story was about, but for the first 5 minutes of my run I was watching people running the marathon last month, cheering, having a good time, meeting the Disney characters, running through the parks... it looked like fun. Definitely erased any question of whether or not I'd make it the 3 miles I planned.

I ended up going for the 5K, which is just over 3 miles at 3.11. I've been almost fully convinced to run a sprint distance triathlon this July in New Jersey, just before training for the marathon would actually begin, and that's the distance of the run segment, so I'm feeling pretty good about doing it.

Sorry, I don't have any particularly witty comments about tonight's workout, but I did see one kind of out of place thing at the gym tonight. The manager of the place, Randy, who was the guy that signed me up, and who is kind of a meathead who clearly did not plan to be managing a gym in his home town of Great Neck in his mid 30s, spent pretty much my entire half hour run obsessing over clipping this 3 foot tall plant that sits right outside the front door of the gym. He was going at it from every angle, making sure that absolutely no leaf stuck out even a little too far. Something about that kind of guy expending that much effort on a plant just seemed off.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Home Video

Beth didn't work out today. I'm not saying it's a competition, but if it was, I won today.

Since nobody was around to watch me look like a fool, and since Mandy suggested I try it, I went with a workout video from the On Demand library. I don't really know what "core" exercises work on, but when I had my free personal trainer consultation as a new gym member, he kept stressing that they're important for marathon runners. So, I looked up the workout instructor Mandy said I should try (Jackie), saw that she had a half hour session for core exercises, and started it up.

Jackie moves fast. She does each exercise for about a minute and then immediately moves to the next one. And, of course, as you go through the half hour, the exercises get more and more difficult. Now, this is fine for anyone who's done these kinds of exercises before, but I spent half of each new exercise watching them and just trying to figure out how I was supposed to be able to reach whatever spot I was supposed to reach for. Also, as I was doing it, I noticed a theme. Jackie would do the exercise for about 10 seconds, and then walk around and show how her helpers were doing it right. Inevitably, she would stop at the guy and say how he'd modified it to make it more difficult by adding a free weight or making more exaggerated motions or whatever. Then, she would walk over to this small girl and talk about how she modified the workout to make it a little easier, like by resting on her knees instead of her feet. Every single time, I realized that I could only do it like the small girl. That was a little emasculating.

Anyway, it was definitely convenient for a solid half hour workout when I didn't really feel like going to the gym, and I assume I'll get better at it if I watch it a few more times, so videos like that are getting occasionally thrown into the workout routine from now on. Like Beth pointed out yesterday, old naked people in locker rooms are not cool, and this way, I don't have to worry about seeing any geriatric men sans clothing. I think the ones that bug me the most are the guys who just stand around having a conversation that would be completely normal absolutely anywhere else on the planet, except for the fact that at least one of them has absolutely no clothes on. And he's using a blow dryer. And he's not using it on his hair. I don't even like overhearing their conversation from the other side of the room. If you're a dude and you're naked, I'm not really interested in your views on the economic recovery plan. I'm interested in you finding and putting on your clothes.

Monday, February 9, 2009

running shoes-$100, gym membership- $200, seeing your friend's mom naked in the locker room-priceless

So, I was told by someone today our blogs were boring. Now I know he's just jealous of our amazingness and in shape-ness. However, I am now going to take this time to bring you some interesting reports on gym and life happiness. Anyways, today I did the same as yesterday, in terms of running. However, Chicago is now at least for the next few days a lot warmer. Of course there is a negative to this. It was like 85 feeling like 90 in the gym with humidity and I almost didnt make it the 4 miles.

In addition, this blog will probably have a lot of me bitching about naked people at the gym. Today I was getting ready to run, and when I emerged from one of the changing rooms, I saw a friend, well ex-friends, mother stark ass naked toweling off. It was pretty shocking and kind of nasty. Then when I was trying to leave the gym I was collecting my running gear from the locker, and all of a sudden some fat chick in a towel sidles up next to me to take the things out of her locker. I was sooo scared she was about to drop that towel and start her changing routine, that I tried to hurry up and put on my sweats over my shorts. My pants got caught on my shoe, and I basically fell into the changing bench and almost knocked my teeth out. Then, said fat lady, took her clothes to the changing room and my pain was all for naught.


Today's workout: 50 min spin class.

There was a time, many years ago, the first time I heard of spin class, when I believed that maybe, just maybe, it was a workout where you stand in one spot and spin around until you pass out. To be honest, I couldn't think of another possible meaning for it.

Now I know what it means: it's kind of like a exercise bicycle, except it only has one wheel, and the wheel is directly attached to the pedals, so unlike on your bicycle, when you stop spinning your pedals - say, to adjust the resistance while standing - instead of coasting, the pedals just keep spinning and drag your feet around with them.

Once I got used to that, though, and got comfortable with the fact that there was no way I was going to keep up with the rest of the class, all of whom had clearly done it before, it was a great workout. I'll definitely go back, but I'm going to have to get some time on an exercise bike (or if it's warm enough, an actual bicycle) first.

Mmm running.

So, I would just like to make it clear to all you reading this that I came up with our ingenious name. That being said I also ran 4 miles today. Keeping with the Moser tradition, I will elaborate. I did 2.5 miles on 6.1 and 1 mile on 6.3 and then .3 miles on 6.5 and amped up the last .2 to a sprint. What does this mean to all of you people not attuned to my running skills. It means I did 4 miles in about 38:30. A lil bit better than Moser, but its no competition. :)

Anyways, it's good Moser came up with this blog idea because I think its a way to keep both of us in check and actually get us to train. Look forward to more witty and not so witty comments as we progress.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Today's workout: 2.5 miles, treadmill, 0% incline, 6.0 mph (sprinted last .2 miles)

Finally got a workout in. It's a good thing, too, because that was the first time I've run this year where it didn't feel like someone was attaching lead weights to my left ankle throughout the workout and then leaving them on for an hour or two after.

Actual training for the marathon starts in about July or August. After that, we'll have a more regular routine, I believe. Until then, I'm just trying to get into shape so that when we do start building up miles my body doesn't get pissed at me.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Adam can't do math.

After a pretty unusual sleep schedule last night (6 pm to 1:30 am; 5 to 7 am; and 7:30 to 9:30 am), I was rested, refreshed, and ready to go to the gym today. Unfortunately, nobody mentioned to me that my math skills have gone seriously downhill since high school, and I thought I'd have no problem getting to my friend's apartment in Manhattan by 7 pm if I took the 6:49 train from Great Neck, which is 40 minutes from Manhattan (not to mention the subway to the friend's apartment). I realized this after 0.8 miles on the treadmill, and then realized that if I wanted any chance of making it to dinner on time, I had to immediately stop and leave...which is why my workout today lasted exactly 0.8 miles. I'm not counting that, though. I'll make up for it tomorrow.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Starting off on the wrong foot

It's February 6, 2009, and I just started this blog. Beth and I are going to post notes on it throughout the year as we train for the January 2010 Disney Marathon and raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Team In Training program.

Anyway, since it's the first day, I thought I'd post about what I'm not doing today, and that is working out. I was going to go for a jog, but I'm feeling lousy so I'm going to take it easy and go tomorrow. Exciting start, right? Tomorrow's gonna be at least 2.5 miles on the treadmill, though, so at least I'll make up for it.