Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Home Video

Beth didn't work out today. I'm not saying it's a competition, but if it was, I won today.

Since nobody was around to watch me look like a fool, and since Mandy suggested I try it, I went with a workout video from the On Demand library. I don't really know what "core" exercises work on, but when I had my free personal trainer consultation as a new gym member, he kept stressing that they're important for marathon runners. So, I looked up the workout instructor Mandy said I should try (Jackie), saw that she had a half hour session for core exercises, and started it up.

Jackie moves fast. She does each exercise for about a minute and then immediately moves to the next one. And, of course, as you go through the half hour, the exercises get more and more difficult. Now, this is fine for anyone who's done these kinds of exercises before, but I spent half of each new exercise watching them and just trying to figure out how I was supposed to be able to reach whatever spot I was supposed to reach for. Also, as I was doing it, I noticed a theme. Jackie would do the exercise for about 10 seconds, and then walk around and show how her helpers were doing it right. Inevitably, she would stop at the guy and say how he'd modified it to make it more difficult by adding a free weight or making more exaggerated motions or whatever. Then, she would walk over to this small girl and talk about how she modified the workout to make it a little easier, like by resting on her knees instead of her feet. Every single time, I realized that I could only do it like the small girl. That was a little emasculating.

Anyway, it was definitely convenient for a solid half hour workout when I didn't really feel like going to the gym, and I assume I'll get better at it if I watch it a few more times, so videos like that are getting occasionally thrown into the workout routine from now on. Like Beth pointed out yesterday, old naked people in locker rooms are not cool, and this way, I don't have to worry about seeing any geriatric men sans clothing. I think the ones that bug me the most are the guys who just stand around having a conversation that would be completely normal absolutely anywhere else on the planet, except for the fact that at least one of them has absolutely no clothes on. And he's using a blow dryer. And he's not using it on his hair. I don't even like overhearing their conversation from the other side of the room. If you're a dude and you're naked, I'm not really interested in your views on the economic recovery plan. I'm interested in you finding and putting on your clothes.


  1. I am completely addicted to ONDemand workouts. Of course, I did not consider the fact that you have never taken an aerobics class, a yoga class, a pilates class, or have ever even heard of "core" before suggesting you do this, rather advanced, video. I did however specifically suggest Jackie's workout because it is one of the few that has a male presence - and a male not wearing spandex jumping around to 80's music (sorry Billy Blanks). I think you should continue to explore the wide world of FREE ONDemand videos, especially Jackie's and the yoga videos, which will help your flexibility....and Beth...you MUST try Jillian Micheal's. You will hate her guts by the end, but your body will feel amazing!

  2. As someone who never wants to give Adam credit for anything because then he might think he's better than me, when clearly he is not - I have to admit, I was inspired to work out by this posting. I have wanted to start working out for a while now, but I detest gyms and its too cold and dark for me to go running outside after work. I've been thinking about purchasing a few workout videos because I figured they'd be entertaining enough to make me get off the couch...but I'm supremely lazy and it was just never going to happen. But after reading this and learning about the OnDemand workout videos I went home and did a few of them. And it was pretty sweet.
